Has Ofsted really gone off School Data?

Has Ofsted really gone off School Data?

The new Ofsted framework states that inspections will not examine any internal school data. But, in practice, what does this mean for schools? What have staff said? Feedback from Staff who have gone through the new framework stated that conversations were not data-centred but did assume you had a good working knowledge of the external data for your school. Data was discussed as an informer to the team’s approach, not as the sword of Damocles it has been. Context was investigated in thorough detail, giving us a chance to tell our story. DAN MORROW - CEO, Woodland Academies Trust However, when you read on, you see that the external data does inform what the deep dives look to see... Instead, the deep dives commenced with immediate observations of staff through learning walks (all accompanied by phase/subject leads) and through hearing children read: the year one children who had not reached GLD, the year twos who had not secured the phonics-screening check, and the...
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Primary IDSR – Areas to Investigate

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In previous articles, we have looked at other pages in Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In this article, we'll look at the first page, "Areas to investigate". In 2016, this used to be called "Strengths and Weakness", but is basically the same thing, categorized by Key Stage. Early Years and Phonics In 2017 there were no "Areas to Investigate" regarding Early Years, either the Good Level of Development or Early Learning Goals (despite there having been 2 Strengths and 1 Weakness in 2016). In 2017 there were 3 Areas to Investigate regarding Year 1 Phonics (90% or above, below 70%, and if more than 10 pupils do not pass), and none regarding Year 2 Phonics. Key Stage 1 For Key Stage 1, the following can be included in your "Areas to Investigate" for maths, reading or writing (note: not science): Attainment in SUBJECT was above average and in the highest 10%. below average and...
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Primary IDSR – Pages 2 to 4

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In the previous articles in this series, we had a look at EYFSP, Phonics, Key Stage 1 and 2 Attainment, Key Stage 2 Progress and Scattergraphs. In this article, we'll have a look at the remaining pages in the IDSR, pages 2 to 4. Key Stage 2 Trends over time Page 4 of your IDSR shows how your school has done compared to other schools over time. This shows a percentile ranking, from 1 to 100. A "1" means that you are in top 1% of schools, anda "100" means that you are in the bottom 1% of schools. Again, figures are greyed out if the cohort size is under 11, as Ofsted will not use results from such a small cohort size in isolation. But beware - if your cohort size is between 6 and 10, then Ofsted may use this data if they are looking at trends. Additionally, figures have...
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Primary IDSR – Key Stage 2 Scatterplots

In our previous articles, we looked at how Key Stage 1 and 2 Attainment and Key Stage 2 Progress is shown in the IDSR. In this article, we'll have a look at the Key Stage 2 progress and attainment Scatterplots or Scattergraphs are shown, and why. Progress Scatterplots In the scattergraphs there is: Key Stage 1 Average Points Score going across, with a score of 12 to 17.99 representing your Middle Prior Attainers, and Pupils' progress scores going up and down. For example, the pupil who is circled has a Key Stage 1 Average Point Score of 21 – that's level 3. For more details, please see our KS1 APS article. This Level 3 pupil got a progress score of approximately minus 13. This pupil, from the key at the bottom, is a non-disadvantaged boy who does not have SEN. How can you read these scatterplots? We generally divide them into 4 sections: The green section represents pupils who made much higher than expected...
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Primary IDSR – Key Stage 2 Progress Significance

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In the previous article in this series, we had a look at how Key Stage 2 progress is represented in the IDSR. We saw that: The central dot represents your school's progress score, andThe line represents a calculation of the cohort's confidence interval. In this article, we'll look at how Ofsted interprets this, and what significance it has to your school. Key Stage 2 Progress Significance So how do we interpret these shapes? If the entirety of these shapes, the dot and the line, is to the right of the zero line, then your school is, in old money, significantly above average.If it is entirely to the left of the zero line, then you are significantly below average.If it even just touches the line, and you see that the Middle Prior Attainers just touches the line, then you are neither significantly above, nor significantly below – you are in line with...
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Primary IDSR – Key Stage 2 Progress charts

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In the previous articles, we had a look at the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 attainment charts. In this article, we'll have a look at the Key Stage 2 progress charts. Key Stage 2 Progress Charts On the right-hand side is a typical progress chart - there is one for Reading, Writing and Maths. There are 5 different types of cohort: All Pupils,Low Prior Attaining Pupils (pupils with a Key Stage 1 Average Point Score below 12),Middle Prior Attaining Pupils (a KS1 APS between 12 and 17.99), andHigh Prior Attaining Pupils (a KS1 APS of 18 or above), andDisadvantaged pupils. More information about how your pupils' Key Stage 1 is calculation can be found in our How is Key Stage 2 Progress calculated article. The progress score for this school overall is +1.3. What does that mean? For each pupil: We look at their Scaled Score from their test...
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Primary IDSR – Key Stage 1 and 2 Diff No column

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In the previous article, we had a look at the Key Stage 1 and 2 attainment analysis in Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report. However, there was one column that we didn't look at: the "Diff no" column. In this article, we'll see what it is so important, using a Key Stage 1 example, and how it is used in conjunction with your Key Stage 1 Emerging, Expected and Exceeding cohorts. Key Stage 1 and 2 - "Diff no" column The remaining column is the "Diff no" column. Taking the top line, we have the School's figures of 88%, a National figure of 76%, and a "Diff no" of 6 – but 88 less 76 is not equal to 6. So, what is that Diff no column? It's clearly not a percentage difference. It is the difference in number of pupils – this school is 6 pupils above the National average. But...
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Primary IDSR – Key Stage 1 and 2 Attainment Charts

This series of articles is about Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). The previous article was about Early Years Reading, Writing and Maths Analysis and Phonics. This article is about the attainment charts contained in Key Stages 1 and 2, using Key Stage 1 as an example. Key Stage 1 charts The Key Stage 1 charts are for Reading, Writing and Maths. Your school's results are still the bars, but this time they are going across instead of down. For all cohorts there are: the lighter blue bars, which is the Expected Standard or above, andthe darker blue bars, which is the Greater Depth standard. Your pupils are divided into five different cohorts: All pupils are being compared with the National All Pupils average – 76% (Expected Standard or above) and 25% (Greater Depth standard). Emerging, Expected and Exceeding cohorts For Key Stage 1, it also includes the following: Emerging - pupils who got the Emerging assessment in the Early Years for reading;Expected - pupils who got the...
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Primary IDSR – EYFSP ELGs and Phonics Analysis

In this series of articles, we'll be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In the previous article, we had a look at EYFSP Good Level of Development (GLD). In this article, we'll have a look at the remainder of the EYFSP analyses, and a look at the Phonics analysis. Early Years Foundation Stage Profile - ELGs Following the EYFSP GLD  analysis, the IDSR continues with the analysis of Reading ELG, Writing ELG and Mathematics ELGs. Just as in the EYFSP Good Level of Development analysis: The light blue bars represent the school's performance,The dark blue bars represent the school's performance for FSM pupils,The red lines represent the National Average for all pupils,The green lines represent the National Average for non-FSM pupils. For answers to the questions as to why your FSM pupils' performance is compared with the National non-FSM performance, and what represents a small cohort, please see the early EYFSP analysis. However, it is made more complicated by the fact that the assessment...
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Primary IDSR – EYFSP

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). This article concentrates on the first of the EYFSP analyses, which is at the back of your IDSR report. EYFSP (Early Years Foundation Stage Profile) Good Level of Development (GLD) and ELGs (Early Learning Goals) There are four different analyses in the EYFSP pages. The article relates to the percentage of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD). This is one of main measures in EYFSP. What is a GLD? There are 17 Early Learning Goals (ELGs), and a pupil will obtain a GLD if they get Expected or Exceeding in the first 12, namely: Communication and Language (Listening and attention, Understanding, and Speaking),Physical Development (Moving and handling, and Health and self-care),Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-confidence and self-awareness, Managing feelings and behaviour, and Making relationships),Literacy (Reading, and Writing), andMathematics (Numbers, and Shape, space and measures). If a pupil got a single "Emerging" in one of these 12 ELGs, then the...
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